Thursday, January 29, 2015

Now what

 My options have never been what they are now... I used to care to balance these things out. I'm going to type to my hearts delight. Single. Straight. Thinking about her' thinking g about me. You and I I don't need to tel you what i need indeed to be more self counsious because right now I'm uncomfortable with the way I'm laying losing loitering break pause and don't want eg have to.i have to care about me more the  I'm caring now. I believe in me. That's not it. It's the honestly l. The honesty i. I conceal. Ii keep to myself I think to myself. What weight I've aimed and swing and never been committed. I've dedicated myself I've half assed but I true lol and only committed to a certain percentage I feel it in the past I feel it right now the truth coming in to a new annbn man an ahanahanah i sed tejano can luce liga my what

Now I see I can live life my way

You've seen me in so much light are words that come in from an outside inside source. Im going crazy cuz i miss you. Lucky. Afraid. A child. A man noting to hill breaking rules and keeping to himself. Who am I impressing no one. I just care to do what I do with my dedication to its fullest. I'm going to Dallas again. I'm blogging for reals this time. It's always been for reals. Why do I feel this inner passion to do more expand. Why I don't want to work with David. Do I want to work with Aquarious later....? Or now. Do I want to work with Sheila ? Man' my decision so these are missions tha I've started that I have not finished: yet. How do I care for these people? How do I find my self . Serenity Ecstasy Love Friendship. 

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