LET's Go!
Something is calling me to do what I have to do!
KEep Going and Keep Living!
My Focus is to work full time at the Restaurant; Pay the bills, keep my family see and safe money as I go along; use that saved money towards making my wife's dream business come true!
Part Time is working on my entertainment career.....
To Be Continued!
Friday, March 10, 2023
Being Your OWn Boss Takes HArd Workl
Thursday, March 9, 2023
I know a secret.
That is this...
are you ready....
I am already here.
I am already successful!
i am accomplished, decorated and inspired.
Who am i?
I am Edgardo-Man!
Super Edgardo
I am Eddie Spaghetti
Poker Player Extra Ordinaire /\/\
I find myself in the beginning chapters of my career
I am no longer a hobbyist
or a tourist
or an Explorer
I am between a settler and a grinder and In my mind a semi pro about to become a professional
Now I am a professional!
it's mind set and showing up!
I know people do this all the time!
I know they do!
It's my time now!
I am successful!
I will and I have Paid my Debts back!
my sole focus now is be more and more authentic with my choices and do less instead of more
That means to me do the following
Show up early to work and stay late and do this continusly!
as I do one thing I do it all.
just be present.
save money and slowly but surely pay everyone I owe money to back!
i Have to more of a tight and passive
tight on waiting on not just cards that feel right but cards that Can build something!
tight and aggressive players i think make the majority of all players in the level i am surpassing and aiming to over come
I over came the lose and aggressive players
as well as the loose and passive
it's the tight players i am learning how to beat more often that will take my game to another level!
sure do want to podcast and talk about more things with you guys.
i am also building the habit to always blog after a game or a stand up or a performance or whenever I feel like it outside of that!
What I have come to realize is that Somewhere Along the way I was lotting some doubt in.
feeling inadequate
or like I could not solve something!
That Ends Tonight
There is always something new to overcome or accomplish!
I must use time and energy to my advantage!
plain and simple
It's my reality existence and I take it back with discipline!
Look. I forgive myself. and I am not the person I used to be or the person you though I was!
I am a Professional Competitor, Chef, Husband, Father 7 World Renown Entertainer~!
My job is to put meat on the tabole!
Be Healthy.
Live Strong
Sleep Well & Ask for what I desire
From I Need Space.
I need time!
or I Need a moment!
or Can you help me research , "How top become the best at something?"
learning that there is power in asking was life changing!
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Eddie Spaghetti Part Ten
Okay Here it is'
It comes to posting my videos online and sharing my creative endevours'
Thank for being here
I had lost this part ten but i ended up finding it! yayayayay!
Being a creative person in life is something of a bite
you really have to grab hold of your days and moments
there is no letting it go with the wind...
I find myself in the life of my dreams and allowing myself
to heal myself.
I find it hard sometimes in the past when it comes to eating none process food.
I also am interested in living longer and a more prolific life.
it takes sticking to the guns and plans.
happiness is mine and from within
what is next is; manifesting new realities....
i"m doing my best top be more present and in the moment.